Rapid Response Service

Innovate Care Group in partnership with TFS Healthcare, one of the UK’s principal recruitment companies for placing nurses and healthcare professionals, are responding to the rising demand for quality home care and supporting the NHS Trusts with their rapid discharge plans, by creating their Rapid Response Service.

The NHS Long Term plan back in 2019 recognised the need to improve their discharge processes and reduce the length of stay for individuals.  

Unfortunately, due to Coronavirus, the need rapidly increased resulting in even greater pressures on NHS Trusts to discharge as quickly as possible and free up hospital beds for Covid patients.  Many people were placed into nursing and residential services which, unbeknown to anyone at the time, were a potential hot bed for the virus spreading.  This has then resulted in many people choosing to go back into their own home, rather than to be discharged to a local nursing or residential service.

“Leaders in the sector believe the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the vital role care staff play in safeguarding the wellbeing of elderly and vulnerable people living at home, and that this recognition could lead to positive outcomes.

Providers have already seen a surge of enquires for home care, and live-in care in particular, in recent months and expect this trend to continue” 
Home Care Insight 2021

Innovate Care Group and TFS Healthcare have created a unique pathway, working in collaboration with NHS Trusts to create a streamlined process, that is not only rapid in its delivery, but ensures quality and consistency of service. In addition, the service will also include discharge to community settings, in line with Government Guidance.

The chart below clearly shows the discrepancies between the different care settings provided for patients upon discharge from hospital and the outcomes. Returning home with the right level of support leads to better outcomes when compared to other alternatives.

Source:  Newton Europe